News from the Ada Jobs Foundation
Work Ready Ada: Transforming Lives Through Employment Readiness
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker Cassie Burrows knows what it’s like to need a new purpose and a new path. Her mother had been diagnosed with cancer and Burrows used her family medical leave to stay home and take care of her. Unfortunately, after she exhausted her leave, the...
Bridging Academia and Industry: Research Commercialization in Ada
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker As part of the Conduit Initiative’s strategy to encourage a technology and innovation-based economy, the Ada Jobs Foundation (AJF) partnered with the Chickasaw Nation, the Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Center, and the Oka’ Institute to...
Newsletter 08.13.2024: Economic Development News for the Ada Area
Read the 08.13.2024 Newsletter HERE! Want to receive news from the Ada Jobs Foundation? Sign up HERE!
Leveling Up: The Rapid Growth of ECU’s Esports Program
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker When Cody Soden took the Director of Alumni Relations position at ECU in March of 2023, he had no way of knowing where his life was going to lead. Within three months, he became involved with the Esports program at ECU and by August, he was...
Newsletter 08.08.2024: Economic Development News for the Ada Area
Read the 07.16.2024 Newsletter HERE! Want to receive news from the Ada Jobs Foundation? Sign up HERE!
From Classroom to Community: Hands-On Water Education for Students
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker For many students, water science in schools is limited to learning the basics about the water cycle, but when one considers the importance of water in our lives, it is evident that more opportunities for water education needs to be available....
Newsletter 07.16.2024: Economic Development News for the Ada Area
Read the 07.16.2024 Newsletter HERE! Want to receive news from the Ada Jobs Foundation? Sign up HERE!
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: How the Chickasaw Nation STEM Academy Shapes Young Minds
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker Space exploration has long held a fascination and curiosity for people, especially children. This interest led to the creation of the Chickasaw Nation Aviation and Space Academy (CNASA) in 2003. However, the strategy to engage children’s...
Newsletter 06.27.2024: Economic Development News for the Ada Area
Read the 06.27.2024 Newsletter HERE! Want to receive news from the Ada Jobs Foundation? Sign up HERE!
Building Tomorrow’s Leaders: Oklahoma Business Week
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker In early June, 35 high school students converged onto the East Central University campus to learn about business and entrepreneurship. This was the tenth time that the ECU School of Business hosted Oklahoma Business Week (OBW). It originally...
Newsletter 06.11.2024: Economic Development News for the Ada Area
Read the 06.11.2024 Newsletter HERE! Want to receive news from the Ada Jobs Foundation? Sign up HERE!
Bridging the Digital Divide: How Ada’s Community Can Access Free Cybersecurity and Networking Courses
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker Digital jobs are not just the careers of the future—they are the careers of the present. However, people can find it difficult to know where to start. Where does one begin this path? How can they find the appropriate trainings and certifications?...
Newsletter 05.29.2024: Economic Development News for the Ada Area
Read the 05.29.2024 Newsletter HERE! Want to receive news from the Ada Jobs Foundation? Sign up HERE!
Defining Success: Lessons from Hursh Juneja’s Career in Technology
By: Sunnie Dawn Baker Hursh Juneja started watching Star Trek in her youth; it is what drew her already inquisitive mind to learn more about science and technology. She had always been curious about how the world worked--why are things happening and how are they...
Newsletter 05.23.2024: Economic Development News for the Ada Area
Read the 05.23.2024 Newsletter HERE! Want to receive news from the Ada Jobs Foundation? Sign up HERE!