Grow Ada Tech

Bringing 21st Century Tech Entrepreneurship to the Ada Area

Technology is key in today’s fast-paced world, and the gap between entrepreneurs and tech-entrepreneurs is getting smaller every day. Grow Ada is focused on the future by bringing the tech community together and encouraging them to pursue their goals of entrepreneurship. Events like our monthly tech meetups give this community a space to connect, share ideas, celebrate wins, and work through challenges.

Fostering this tech community, along with our partnership with the Center on Rural Innovation, opens doors for workforce development. A 21st century workforce is a workforce that is digitally literate but also technologically savvy. Through initiatives like our digital skilling programs with Ascendium, and the Youth Coding League, we are preparing our current workforce while also training the workforce of the future.

Local businesses and industries get more than just skilled workers through these programs. They also gain a supportive tech community that can help solve problems within their organizations. In addition to this, new industries see a strong investment in a tech community and workforce as an attractive incentive and can help be the deciding factor when choosing to relocate or build a new location.